June 13, 2015
Do liberals even care how absurd they look?
Check it out:
The latest act in the theatre of the absurd that is America played out in Washington state this week, when it was revealed that Spokane NAACP Chapter President Rachel Dolezal has been telling people that she’s African-American. When confronted on the issue, Dolezal herself says it’s hard to explain her feelings, and that people wouldn’t understand. Indeed she is being widely criticized by the press as a liar and delusional, likely “suffering some psychological affliction.”
Yet the same media paid little attention when Elizabeth Warren was found to have lied about her racial makeup, or when President Obama, through his literary agent, falsely claimed to have been born in Africa in a bio in 1991. And they’ve mostly applauded Bruce Jenner for saying that he wants to identify as a woman. All of which illustrates the inconsistency, the double standards, and the confusion surrounding the emerging trend of self-identity reassignment.
And what hasn’t even been discussed yet is potential for conflict between laws designed to empower minorities, and new social conventions which allow people to enter and exit minority status at will. Tax breaks specially available to female owned businesses, for example. Should they be available to transgender women? And if so, why not allow someone who acts, looks, and identifies as a black person to declare minority status?
It’s too early to predict where all this will lead if identity is redefined as nothing more than an amorphous social construct. But at the very least, the Rachel Dolezal farce has exposed the emperor’s lack of clothes.
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Filed under: Political Tagged: Africa, African-American, Bruce Jenner, delusional, Dolezal, Elizabeth Warren, NAACP, President Obama, Rachel Dolezal, Spokane NAACP Chapter President Rachel Dolezal, Washington State